Experience designer, solving challenges with art, technology, analysis and management. And other creative pursuits!
Site to inform about caricature artist services, show social validation, and highlight call to action to call, text, or send an email asking for information.
Blog site to answer questions about getting into gig jobs, news about gig jobs, stories and tips about working gig jobs.

Refined Finishes
This website showcases the work of a furniture restorer and cabinet refinisher, as well as faux finishes and light fixtures.

General Dynamics Graphics Standards Manual
General Dynamics needed a manual to have the corporate, subsidiaries, and GD companies know how to use their custom type logos within the family of General Dynamics. This manual was created to show how to uses the logos with their MS Word files, truck signage, business cards, employee id cards; almost every possible application.
Presentation Illustrations
These illustrations were used for a State of the Company presentation by the head of WABCO in Europe
Cartoons and Caricatures
These cartoons strips were created to tell the story of the financial journey of a typical Baby Boomer family through finances for a financial advisor.
Also, I have created caricature illustrations for many types of clients.
From Requirements Analysis to Development, how I create websites and apps.
Phone and text: 760-315-2089
Email: kara@karawald.com
Address: San Diego, CA USA